When it comes to assault cases, there are a number of  legal issues that may arise. In some instances, people are falsely accused of an act of assault that never even occurred, while others may face a harsher sentence as a result of details that were fabricated. In Minneapolis, and throughout the state of Minnesota, it is important to familiarize yourself with the potential penalties associated with fifth-degree assault if you are facing these allegations.

In Minnesota, the penalties for fifth-degree assault vary, depending on the details of the case. The Office of the Revisor of Statutes states that those facing felony charges over fifth-degree assault may face a $10,000 fine and up to five years behind bars. However, those facing misdemeanor charges face a maximum fine of $3,000 and one year in prison. Furthermore, courts will take into consideration the use of a firearm and whether or not a defendant owns firearms in these cases. If you are charged with fifth-degree assault, your right to own a pistol may be taken away.

There are a number of examples of fifth-degree assault, such as physically hurting another person on purpose or carrying out an act that is intended to make a person fear for their life or be afraid of suffering physical harm. If you have been wrongfully accused of this offense, it is vital to closely assess the ins and outs of your situation.

This post was compiled for general informational purposes and you should not interpret it as an alternative to legal counsel.

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