When drivers are accused of operating a vehicle while intoxicated, there are a variety of factors that can have an influence on the outcome. For example, if they have been charged with DUI in the past, they may face harsher penalties than those who are accused of drunk driving for the first time. In Minneapolis, and all throughout the state of Minnesota, people may find themselves facing DUI charges if they are accused of taking certain street drugs and prescription medications before getting behind the wheel.

Law enforcement officials say that a woman from St. Cloud was responsible for causing a traffic accident while under the influence of drugs. Authorities claim that the vehicle she was driving swerved to the side before she struck a vehicle, prompting officials to pull her over. Even though a blood alcohol test proved that she was not under the influence of alcohol, investigators thought she was acting strange and obtained a warrant for a blood test.

After the test results were analyzed, authorities claim that a number of drugs were found in her blood, including meth, marijuana and prescription drugs. The woman, who has been charged with driving under the influence nine times over the course of her life, was sentenced to prison for five years.

Handling DUI charges can be very complicated, especially for those who are under a considerable amount of stress. That said, it is vital to make sure that the right steps are taken since these charges can have such serious penalties. Many people who are in this position benefit from talking to a knowledgeable attorney about their circumstances.

Source: SCTimes, “9th DUI gets woman 5 years in prison,” David Unze, Dec. 22, 2016

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